Blogs are odd resources that sprout up around conferences. They usually take a back seat to the main activities, but they can sometimes provide a good place for more conversation.
In order to get this blog going, we have surveyed the illustrious list of speakers — and a variety of other favorite creative leaders — on a simple question: "What role does creativity play in design strategy?"
We present our findings here in this space, and hope that we might all think together about these 3 words: creativity, design, strategy.
—John Maeda + Becky Bermont
Associate Director of Research + Co-Head of Research Strategy
MIT Media Lab
John and Becky: Fantastic way to kick-off the blog! Look forward new postings and contributions from all attendees.
Posted by: Henk | May 16, 2007 at 11:22 PM
well i would agree with you guys
Posted by: Custom Logo Design | December 15, 2009 at 04:46 AM