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January 10, 2010


Daniel Erwin

can't leave out del.icio.us - i only wish it automatically ran in the background and gave me charts and graphs about my information diet (I only hope my occassional candy binges of webcomics can be purged from the records...)

and just learned a new one today: http://www.tomsplanner.com/ for making Gantt charts. Reminds me about google charts, which is still a little difficult to access.


Hi Anijo, thanks for the mention of Soocial (I'm one of the founders). I think you touch on some interesting points.

One of the biggest hurdles still remaining in getting the cloud functioning correctly for us is the interoperability between sites. Things are getting much better especially with Single sign-on methods (for example your twitter sign-on to be able to comment here).

I hope in the short term to be able to integrate Soocial with third party services so that your address book can be used within these apps. For example would be great to be able to have your own address book in Dropbox and be able to share files with other users.

Keep it up and let us know if you need help or have ideas for Soocial.

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